Super Simple Tarka Dhal – A Recipe

Whether you spell it dal, daal, dhal or dahl, Tarka dhal is without question one of my all time favourite comfort food dishes. Fragrant spices, a touch of heat and oodles of garlic, what’s not to love.

It’s a healthy and hearty dish which can be served simply with naan bread or rice, but equally holds it’s own as a side.

My recipe is completely vegan, super simple, but super delicious and only takes around 20 minutes. Serves 4 as a side or 2 if you’re just diving straight in with some steamy naan bread.

*TIP* The recipe calls for coriander and cumin – I like to use a pestle and mortar to grind down the whole seeds but ground spices work just as well in a pinch.

So, here it is, my Super Simple Tarka Dhal Recipe…

Let me know, if you decide to give it a go.

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