Let’s start at the beginning

My story

It’s mid-2014, aged 28, I’ve been diagnosed with hypertension and following months of tests there is no real explanation. After each appointment my list of medication is getting longer but my blood pressure remains in the ‘danger zone’.

On reflection my diet of store bought lunches, masquerading as ‘healthy’ likely added to the problem. Chicken salads smothered in dressing, Greek salads with more feta than salad, enough pre-packed, soy soaked, sushi rolls to feed an army – too many calories and I’m sure way too much sodium – even for someone not suffering from high blood pressure. Add to this the late nights, boozy brunches and ever increasing reasons to frequent the pub after work I was on a slippery slope to a little town called heart disease.

December that year was an indulgent one. People say you can never have enough cheese, trust me, I’d had enough cheese. I wanted to get fit, get healthy and most importantly wanted to ensure I would reach my 30th birthday… I mean, I’d booked a ticket to Vegas so I better put down the cheese plate.

it’s all about the research

To get myself started I turned to Google, searching for diet tips, healthy recipes, ‘lose weight fast’ plans. Most of the results that came back involved eating minimal calories, with minimal excitement.

I remember thinking to myself, “what about a vegetarian diet, that seems like a healthy option”. So turning back to Google I searched “vegetarian diets” and at the top of the page was an ad for ‘Veganuary’.

That word – Vegan – it seemed so extreme. What is a vegan exactly? How do I become one? Aren’t they all protein deficient? And what the hell is is nutritional yeast? So many questions.

Research – that’s what I needed, more research. Turning to Netflix I dived head first into a 4 hour long binge of documentaries. Vegucated, Cowspiracy and Forks Over Knives.

Up until this point I thought I knew all there was to know about food and where it came from, I couldn’t believe my ignorance. Why had I never questioned it before? Why had I never spared a thought as to how the food I was eating reached my plate?

Veganuary received 1 more pledge.

How veganuary helped me to change my diet, lifestyle, mindset & more

In 2015 there were a total of 12,800 sign ups. I remember receiving weekly emails with hints and tips + stories and reports. All of which fuelled my determination and ensured that I stayed on track.

As of 5th Jan 2020 over 350,000 people have signed up to Veganuary

The most challenging thing at the time were the ‘convenience’ foods, snack bars, biscuits, ready meals, pre-packed sandwiches… actually sandwiches full stop. But being part of a community of like-minded people and with the knowledge I had gained from documentaries and the veganuary website was all the motivation I needed to continue with my journey.

I had more energy. I had lost weight. My skin looked better. I was still enjoying food, maybe even more so knowing how my choices were making a positive change. On top of this I could start to see the change in the supermarkets; vegan labelling, new plant milks, new plant-based ranges, the ‘free-from’ aisles were overflowing with delicious new products and we mustn’t forget ‘Gary-gate’ – thanks Sainsbury’s.

Armed with knowledge, tasty treats and passion, I have since helped a number of friends & family members to adopt a different diet. Maybe they’re not vegan, but small changes add up.

That now famous quote from Anne Marie Bonneau re zero waste can also be applied to veganism. I truly believe that together we can make a difference.

In 2019 we saw a huge investment of £30m into the development of several new & exciting meat-free products. It’s never been easier to be vegan.

My top tips

1. If you’re worried about ditching meat & dairy try switching them out for vegan alternatives. Try out these classic weeknight meals and simple swaps:

  • Spaghetti Bolognese/Lasagne – try Tesco, Vivera & Meatless Farm for vegan mince
  • Burgers – Quorn Hot & Spicy, Birds Eye & Beyond Meat for vegan patties
  • Sausage & Mash – Naked Glory, Richmond, M&S & Cauldron for vegan sausages
  • Curry – THIS, Tesco, Quorn & Vivera for vegan chicken pieces

And don’t forget the fantastic ranges from Wicked Kitchen (Tesco), Plant Kitchen (M&S), Love Your Veg (Sainsburys), V Taste (Morrisons) & Plant Based (Asda).

2. Use social media to discover Accidentally Vegan products and new launches from your favourite restaurants/supermarkets. Check out @accidentallyveganuk @vegan-food-uk.

3. Check out recipes online and save to Instagram/Pinterest to refer back to when you need some inspiration, try @sovegan @bosh.tv @deliciouslyella @dereksarno @nourishingamy to get you started.

4. When shopping in the supermarkets for biscuits, crackers, crisps, breads etc, any allergens including dairy are highlighted in bold on the ingredients list, making it super easy to see whether or not ‘whey powder’ or ‘milk’ are included.

5. And of course sign up and follow @weareveganuary for extra hints & tips

The Future is vegan

After 5 years I have decided to get my qualification in Level 3 Vegan Nutrition. I hope to continue my journey and support others in making a positive change.

If you look at the climate crisis or the violence of our food system and feel helpless, thinking ‘I wish there was something I could do’ – you can. Right now. Sign up to try vegan this January.

Joaquin Phoenix

Will you be signing up to veganuary this year?