Brunch Toast – 3x Recipes

Whether it’s white, brown, wholemeal, seeded, chewy, half and half or sourdough, everyone loves a good bit of toast but it’s what you put on it that counts, right?

You’ve got your classics; baked beans, jam, marmite, banana, avocado… not altogether mind, but when that peanut butter toast doesn’t quite cut it and you’re looking for something a little more brunch than boring, how about you try one of these fancy toast toppings?

Now, depending on your chopping skills, these all take less than 10 mins to knock up and are all absolutely delicious IMO. So, in preparation for the weekend, pop on your face mask, get down to the local shops/grocers/farmers market and pick up some tomatoes, because apparently I’m addicted and they feature in every recipe.

So, if you’re ready then get your frying pans ready! (ok imagine you’re John Anderson and you’re screaming ‘Gladiator ready!’ at Wolf, Rhino or Jet… now do it in that accent, k?!) ahem… brunch recipes, here we go…

1. Posh Cheese & Tomato on Toast with homemade Wild Garlic & Walnut Pesto

For the ultimate brunch, toast up a nice big wedge of your favourite bread, I’m going with sourdough. Meanwhile, fry off some tomatoes in a little olive oil, salt & pepper. Spread a nice thick layer of wild garlic pesto (recipe below) onto your toasted bread, top with the tomatoes and little nuggets of cheese, I’ve used Violife here. If you’re feeling extra fancy use a few little garlic flowers to decorate. Tuck in and enjoy.

My pesto recipe is not so much a recipe but a rough guide, you can swap out the walnuts for pine nuts, cashews, almonds, whatever takes your fancy. Just have a play around, I promise you won’t be disappointed.

2. Scrambled Tofu on Toast with an Indian Twist

The ultimate vegan brunch. Scrambled tofu is an absolute classic brunch dish, you can literally throw the contents of your fridge in with a block of crumbled tofu and you’re guaranteed to have a delicious and satisfying brekkie, but if you fancy trying something a bit different maybe try this tofu with a twist.


OK, this one is super easy, but such a simple and delicious brunch that I can’t not include it.

  • Take one punnet of chestnut mushrooms – they are my preferred for this, but use whatever is your favourite, I mean, I don’t give a shiitake! #dadjoke – cut these babies into quarters.
  • Take a massive handful of ripe plum toms and cut them into quarters & half a bag of baby spinach and roughly chop.
  • Now, for the fun bit… heat some olive oil in a pan and grate or crush 2 large cloves of garlic into the hot oil, throw in the mushrooms and leave… for like 3 – 4 mins, do not stir them, they WILL go watery, just leave them and they’ll get these gorgeous gnarly bits.
  • Then whack in the toms and the spinach, it’ll steam and let out a lot of the water, just stir until all the moisture has evaporated.
  • Season with lots of salt and ground black pepper.
  • Serve on some toasted sourdough – sourdough is great for absorbing liquid without it becoming mushy – like a Weetabix with too much milk – so it’s perfect for this, but use your brunch go-to, drizzle with some extra virgin olive oil, a twist of black pepper and munch that bad boy! Enjoy with a Bloody Mary or Bucks Fizz – breakfast is ready darlin’!

Let me know, if you give any of them a go!

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